

Chaim “Chuck” Haran (Hornstein)



United States (USA)

Date And Place Of Death

Date And Place Of Death

October 12, 1973 - 16 Tishre, Mt. Hermon

Security Unit


War / Battle

Resting Place

Har Herzl

Dedications and memories

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Monuments Commemoration


Brooklyn, NY

Parents Hometown

Residence In Israel

Aliyah Date

Life Story

Chaim Haran (Hornstein) was born on July 30, 1050 in Brooklyn to Linor and Milton. Hewas in some ways typical of the large number of young North Americans who came on aliyah in the late 1960s. His summers were spent in camp where he learned horseback riding, mountain climbing, and sailing - and where he acquired the nickname Chuck. As a teenager he was once arrested for participating in a demonstration protesting the hanging of eight Jews in Iraq. His growing awareness of his Jewish heritage led him to identify with the State of Israel and he came here for the first time at age 16, intending to stay. However, making aliyah alone at such a young age was difficult and, after a few months Chaim returned to the US. Inspired by the Six Day War Chaim came back to Israel and spent time on a kibbutz, studied at the Hebrew University, and worked in Sinai. He postponed his army service at his mother's request as his brother was at that time serving in the American army in Vietnam. Chaim was inducted into the IDF in November 1971 and volunteered for the Golan brigade and later for its elite commando unit, taking part in numerous actions. In July 1973 he flew to New York to celebrate his 23rd birthday with family and friends. A few months later he participated in the battles for Mt. Hermon during the Yom Kippur War and on October 12, 1973 he was fatally wounded by a Syrian MiG bombing. He was buried on Mt. Herzl.
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