

Benjamin “Benji” Aharon Hillman



United States (USA)

Golani, Egoz Unit

Date And Place Of Death

Date And Place Of Death

July 20, 2006, 24 Tamuz, Lebanon

Security Unit

Golani, Egoz Unit

War / Battle

Second Lebanon War

Resting Place

Military Cemetery of Ra'anana

Dedications and memories

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Monuments Commemoration



Parents Hometown

Residence In Israel


Aliyah Date


Life Story

Benjamin Aharon Hillman was born on March 10, 1979 in London, England to Danny and Judy. The family made aliyah in December 1983 and made their home in Ra'anana. Benji attended the local religious primary school, Ariel, and from the age of 11 Benji went to Kiriyat Ya’acov Herzog (Mechina) in Kfar Saba, transferring, three years later to Midrashiat Noam in Pardess Hanna. After graduating high school in 1997, Benji spent a year at Bnei David, the pre-military Mechina in Eli, prior to enlisting in the army in August 1998. Benji served in the prestigious Egoz commando unit, a section of the Golani brigade. He completed basic training with distinction and was named the outstanding soldier in his battalion. After graduating from Officers' Training School in 2000, he held a number of positions both in Egoz and in the Golani 51st battalion, culminating in the position of company commander in the Egoz unit – the position he held when he was killed. Benji was also sent abroad twice by the army: once to the US to observe the US Rangers in training, and the second time to Canada to represent the IDF at the annual “March for Israel” in Toronto, where he also lectured at many schools and businesses. In June 2006 Benji married his long-time girlfriend, Ayala Borger. When the Second Lebanon War broke out, Benji joined his unit in Lebanon. A week later, on July 20, 2006 Benji was killed in a firefight with Hizbollah gunmen in the Lebanese village of Moran a-Ras. He was buried in the Military Cemetery in Ra'anana. Benji's legacy lives on, through HaBayit shel Benji (Benji's Home). At the shiva, Benji's family heard from many people they had never met before (especially the soldiers under his command, in particular, lone soldiers) how Benji had helped them and taken care of them, above and beyond the call of duty. Inspired to do something significant to honor his memory, the family and close friends set up the Benji Hillman Foundation, to help lone soldiers.​ After much research, both through talking to soldiers and to the IDF, the Foundation decided to establish HaBayit shel Benji, a purpose-built home for lone combat soldiers, and guidance center for all lone soldiers, in Benji's home town, Ra'anana.​
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