Chana Zuta was born on October 29,1922 in New York to Yitzhak and Yehudit, well-known educators born in Palestine who were studying in the US. The family came 'home' in 1926 and Chana studied at the Reali School in Haifa, at the Hebrew Gymnasia and the Teachers Seminary in Jerusalem.
In 1941 she joined the Palmach and in 1942 she volunteered for the Women's Corps of the the British Army, serving in Cairo and Gaza as a truck driveer until 1946. After teaching for a year in Haifa, the War of Independence found her enrolled at Hebrew University, where she reported for active duty.
Chana met her death by sniper's bullet while trying to photograph enemy positions in Sheikh Jarrach, Jerusalem on January 7, 1948. She was buried in the cemetery on the Mt. of Olives two days later. A monument to her memory was erected in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.