Asher Aharon Gross was born on April 13, 1965 in New York to Alexander and Yehudit. The family, including nine children, made aliya in 1974 and settled in Jerusalem. Aharon studied in elementary school in Bayit Vegan and in Yeshva L'zeerim in Kiryat Moshe. He was among the first pupils in Yashivat Shavei Hevron.
On July 7, 1983 while waiting for the car which took students to Kiryat Moshe, Aharon was stabbed by three Arabs, refused treatment at the nearby hospital because he was Jewish, and died of his wounds. He was buried in the Mt. of Olives cemetery in Jerusalem. The square opposite the shuk in Hevron, where he was stabbed was named after him - Gross Square.